Pastoral Note Dated October 02, 2020
Towards Innovative and contextual ministry
Greetings to you in the Name of the Triune God.
Dearly Beloved in Christ,
God has brought us victoriously hitherto. The whole world is stuck and it has brought a daunting time to everyone regardless of boundaries. The more affected area of Church life is the coming togetherness of the people. Though the COVID-19 pandemic prevented pastors and the people from physically connecting with their fellow congregants, the virtual communications retained the day today life and functioning of the church. As the Pastoral care and ministerial assistance confronts new challenges in the life of the Church, the divine plan and purpose for his people are being revealed during these times of uncertainties and predicaments.
I thank God for the amazing and sustaining grace showered on our congregation. I thank God for the continuing benevolences and blessings from above. The contemporaneous life of the St. Matthew’s & Melbourne CSI at Ashburton, jointly upholds the legacy of shared Spiritual intimacy and integrated Pastoral Care. The two different ethnic and culturally diverse congregations while maintaining their exclusivity, tries to amalgamate plurality and have resulted in a multicultural ministerial unity maintaining traditional and liturgical values and practices. The motto of the Church of South India, “that they all may be one” is manifested in the holistic life and witness of these congregations.
As we proceed, the following aspects needs to be prioritized in the coming years.
1. Envisioning and equipping the church
A. Spiritual and social awakening.
God has called out the community of the faithful to know and follow Him. Hearing the word of God and studying the Bible will inspire church members to get excited about working in their community. This is for the church to reflect on what God is calling them to be and do in the community. This will let the people to be challenged and encouraged to grow in their faith. The worship and other spiritual gatherings in small groups will help them to learn together and share understanding. The Fellowships will empower people and give them confidence.
Every day morning our church members are blessed with Bible meditations. It resonates the listener’s ears the whole day. Cottage prayers, Pastoral visits, Conventions, and other spiritual get-togethers inspire the community and it helps many to communicate and relate with each other.
The church should also try to formulate a vision for its work in the community and begin to think about the practical things it can do within the community. There is a need to consider how the church can meet both its own needs and those of the community from their own resources. This is really important while making any community initiatives sustainable in the longer term.
B. Celebration activities.
People are happy and encouraged through celebration and festivity. Those celebrations are adherent to Gospel values can be incorporated. Celebration activities gives a positive and energetic view of togetherness and it gives meaning to Religious and Cultural traditions. It promotes working together and share ideas and knowledge of every member of the church. This Year we plan for Young Families get together, Family Sunday and Home Christmas Koinonia, Harvest Festival (some events may be online) etc. To enhance the fellowship and unity and co-ordination of the congregants.
2. Gaining grounds for Active Fellowship in the Church.
We are traditionally grounded churches which has its own great and blessed faith and worship legacy. But the present day prosperity outlook and the search for spiritual satisfaction trends can influence the spiritual consciousness and thus cause indifference to the present systems. The backsliders are to be brought back to the flock and motivated to reconsider their church, its glorious tradition and witness. New ways of expressing personal and group activities of spiritual engagement and role distribution in the holistic functioning of the church need to be deliberated and implemented.
Introducing alternative opportunities to the families presenting their talents/witness/music and so on after the services. Family camps and retreats: To enrich the fellowship among the families, we host family camps and retreats for which the co-operation of every member families requested. A Family Directory, Hymn book and Sunday School song books are planned and will be release in this coming Year’s church life.
3. The Ongoing Online Church.
Though the COVID 19 Pandemic have brought social distancing, we had more participation in the worship services and other spiritual ministries of the church. The virtual communication will continue for those who cannot afford to come physically to the church for worship and fellowship. There are many members of the church who resides away, and they and their children will be encouraged to be part of the live worship services in the coming days.
4.The Multi-Cultural and pluralistic ministries.
Our church upholds the legacy of embracing different socio-cultural, linguistic and denominational plurality. Especially the St. Matthew’s Anglican Church and the CSI serve their maximum to maintain the mutuality, rapport, and fraternity towards this unity. Though the members of our congregation hail from different parts of Kerala, India, together with the Anglican tradition, belong to the same great Shepherd who taught us to pray “our Father”. We respect every one and welcome all to this wonderful fellowship of the faithful. Each member is valued and promoted to cater to the different ministerial needs of the church and to dedicate their talents and potentials for the multi-faceted ministry of the church. Let this church be blessed and grown. Let the Lord’s name be glorified.
5.The Organizational Catch-up.
In-spite of the pandemic restrictions that we face, all the organizations of our church are given opportunity for Virtual gathering and sharing their fellowship. The Sunday School is held regularly and have made use of a New Curriculum which was relevant and useful.
The Youth Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, Men’s fellowship and the Choir have frequent gatherings and fellowships. They discuss and pray together and make plans for future events and programs of their respective organizations. Hopefully if the gatherings are allowed, we will continue to have face to face meetings and fellowships.
6. Sacramental Extension
One of the important outreach ministries of the church is to cater to the spiritual needs of the senior citizens who are unable to come to the church services. We serve to different Age Care centers like Regis, Grand Cedar, and Aveo Freedom, where old people enjoy the warmth of our fellowship and receive Holy Sacraments. Regularly we visit and lead the communion service at these homes. Church members who wish to come and assist this service often accompany. During the pandemic, there are restrictions to reach out, but still we plan to continue the ministry at Regis East Malvern- Every Wednesday at 10:30 am. Grande Cedar High Street- Every alternate Thursday 11:00. Aveo Freedom- Every alternate Thursday at 12:00 pm.
7. All Australia Initiatives.
We have four main parishes in All Australia, belonging to the of the Church Of South India. Each has its own ministries and governance. The new initiatives of Pastoral fellowship, All Australia Video Project, All Australia Song book, All Australia Conventions etc. motivated the CSI communities to uphold the motto of unity and fellowship. This will continue and we will have more opportunities and programs in the coming days. The All Australia family Conference is the next possible major event.
8. Ecumenical relations
We already have initiatives in ecumenical circle and it has been an impetus to the sister churches in Melbourne and a model for the churches in Diaspora.
A. The STEFM: The St. Thomas Ecumenical Fellowship of Melbourne strives to unite the people from Kerala to join hands for a meaningful ecumenical ministry. Different denominations join hands together to fulfil the high priestly prayer of Jesus “That they all may be one”. The episcopal churches from Kerala represented by their clergy and the lay meet often and discuss the unity in ministry and the witness despite the diversities. We have been part of several events together. We look forward for the Inter Church Bible Quiz, Solo Competitions, the Cricket league, badminton and the Women’s Conference and the annual day celebrations each year.
B. The Box Hill Arch-deanery and the Waverley Deanery: The Deanery meets every month and we enjoy each other’s fellowship. There are several supplementary teaching ministry which enhances biblical and theological outlooks. The EPIC- Equipping Priest in Charge program is fruitful and beneficial. We continue to make a substantial contribution to the Diocesan Youth and Multi-Cultural ministry.
9. Mission overseas
We though a small congregation, makes our maximum contributions in support of the various missions and mission opportunities overseas.
A. Jeevan Ka Mukud – (The Crown of Life Ministries.) Mission in West Bengal: We are supporting two missionary families and their respective missions in Supur, West Bengal which is periodically reviewed and renewed.
B. Mangalya: We continue to extend financial assistance to the marriage of poor girls through this project of CSI South Kerala Diocese
C. Theological Education Support: We have sent our assistance to theological students of the Diocese of Malabar and also some students in South Kerala Diocese last year. The support will continue as and when requests are made from different dioceses.
D. Pastoral Aid support: We continue to support the Dioceses who make their requests for pastoral aid to hold economic stability.
E. Self-Denial Provision: We continue our assistance to all the six Dioceses of the Church Of South India and will continue to extend this generous assistance to the concerned Diocese in need.
F. Catastrophic Havoc Relief: We support the people affected by various natural disasters including the floods/landslides /other catastrophes in Kerala /any other place. This will be of timely and genuine help for the deprived.
G. Mission Fund - General: We as church have this year initiated a general mission fund and the worshippers are encouraged to contribute willingly and voluntarily to support the needy. This has introduced to generate a habit of regular contribution to the missions. Anyone who wish to spare a portion of what they wish to spend on their happy occasions and celebrations are requested to consider a free will giving to the missions. This income will be utilised for the time to time mission requirements.
This year we plan to raise some funds for making donations to our mission fields with a vision to build a mission Centre/Church in West Bengal.
10. The Policies of the Church.
We are now formulating Child safety policies, Social Media Policies, Conflict Resolution and Privacy Policies for the Church. This will be in accordance with the Anglican Diocesan and Governmental policies introduced from time to time.
11. Scope of owning a Property
We as the CSI Community plans to have a property of our own in Melbourne. We need to raise funds for this and try to purchase a property that would bring some returns. The members of the church are requested to prayerfully support the decision of the General Body and if God willing strive to actualize this dream within a couple of years, by magnanimous fiscal assistance and prayerful support of the congregants and well-wishers. We have already started some fund raising for this purpose. Trust in God’s guidance and help in this great task.
12.Church Anniversaries and Celebrations.
The Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of St. Matthew’s Anglican Church and the 10th year of MCSI will be a joint event of our celebrations within two years and we are prayerfully looking forward to having different kinds of new endeavors and epoch making celebrations.